Tuesday 26 May 2015

Lines of appeal

TASK 4: Analyse three different TV adverts and state which persuasive skills and lines of appeal have been used:

Task 4 - Lines of Appeal

Gillian Dyer stated (Advertising as Communication, Routledge 1988) that advertisers use among other techniques, the following lines of appeal. They include images, or add anything that relates to our desires and fears. These are;

  • Pleasant and Cheerful Families
  • Wealthy Extravagant Lifestyles
  • Dreams and Fantasy
  • Successful romance and Love
  • Elite people or experts
  • Enchanting Places
  • Prosperous Careers
  • Art, Culture and History
  • Nature and the Natural World
  • Gorgeous Women
  • Self Importance and Pride
  • Comedy and Humour
  • Childhood
When you watch advertisements, you will see they will use one of the listed techniques above. Advertisements uses those techniques to attract you to buy their product, they try their hardest to make you spend your money that you earned. 

Advert 1
  • Product Name: Cadbury Gorilla
  • Persuasive Technique: Comedy and Humour
  • Product USP: Cadbury's Chocolate is one of the best selling chocolate companies around and they try their hardest to promote their product. The Cadbury's Chocolate Gorilla advert uses a fake gorilla costume to play the drums. By doing this, this will make the audience tickle their ribs and chuckle on the stupidity that's happening in the advert. I feel this advert can be branded as a joyful and persuasive advert, as it contains advertising techniques which can categorize the advert in both types. The advert can be categorized as a joyful advertisement because it contains humour and a "feel good factor" feeling that creates a engagement reaction with the audience. The audience become amused and entertained by the advert, which helps portray the message better, as the audience don't feel forced or bombarded by messages/products/services.
Advert 2
  • Product Name: Samsung S III
  • Persuasive Technique: Facts
  • Product USP:  An advert using product demonstration as a technique to sell the product, was "The Next Big Thing Is Already Here" TV advert for the Samsung Galaxy S III. The advert showed a line of excited Apple iPhone users waiting in line for the newest version. They discuss various menial differences between past and new versions of the phones, desperately hopeful that the features of the latest edition will be worth the wait. As they discuss the new features, e.g. the headphone connector being at the bottom rather than the top of the device, we become increasingly aware that there is a pathetic irony to their excitement over such subtle changes to the phone. Then begins the Samsung product demonstration, as a young man saving someone else's place in the queue starts to use a Samsung Galaxy S III. The advert goes on to show off the Samsung's new features, such as the ability to share music simply by touching phones. iPhone fans in the queue become increasingly impressed by the Samsung phone, and the ad concludes by assuring us that "The next big thing is already here". 

Advert 3
  • Product Name: L'Oreal
  • Persuasive Technique: Statistics
  • Product USP: L'Oreal advertise hair/beauty/skin products using such techniques. One technique that is used in skin adverts are statistics. Statistics is a very clever way of persuading the audience that the product they are advertising is recommended by other people that's used L'Oreal in the past and has had great experience from it. This allows the audience to consider buying the product because of the high statistics that is shown in the advert. In this advert, it says '71% of 123 women agree' this has great impact on the audience because of the high amount of past users. 

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