Tuesday 26 May 2015

Advertising techniques

Task 2

Advert 1 - Anecdote

As you can see, the women who were in this advert were saying how L'Oreal Fibrology has changed their hair and their day to day life. This is very clever for L'Oreal to use this technique because it hits the personal spot for the specific target audience. The target audience were aimed towards teenagers and the elderly. Having a target audience is key to having a successful advert.

Advert 2 - Repetition

Another persuasive technique TV Advertisement use is repetition. Using repetition causes the target audience to find the advert irritating and annoying. However not all is bad, using repetition in an advert can get the message across to the target audience in an annoying way. This will make them get that advert drilled in their head the whole day, even a lifetime. Here's an example in the link below me.

Repetition is used throughout the advert to a point where you're singing the line yourself. However, this is another clever technique because when there is a point where you need to save car insurance, the first thing that will pop in your head is the advert that was most annoying.

Advert 3 - Facts

Using facts in an advert is very effective to use towards the target audience because it attracts the viewers using a proven statement. More people will buy the product when the facts are proven because it gives them the satisfaction they've been looking for.

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