Tuesday 26 May 2015


Task 5

Demographic Advertising - Dividing consumers into groups based on age, sex, income, education, occupation, household size, marital status, home ownership or other factors.
  • Watch a series of adverts and identify as accurately as possible the target audience for each, provide a link and give explanations to back up your conclusions about why the adverts appeals to the specific demographics.
Audience Demographic
  • A - Lawyers, Doctors, Scientists, Managers of large-scale organisations - well paid professionals
  • B - Teachers, senior managers, some middle management  - fairly well paid professionals (and very poorly paid teachers)
  • C1 - 'White Collar' , junior management, bank clerks, nurses
  • C2 - Skilled 'blue collar' workers such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters 
  • D - Semi and unskilled manual workers such as drivers and post sorters
  • E - Students, the unemployed, pensioners 

1.) Dyson DC25 Floor Vacuum Cleaner is showing the target audience that cleaning is gradually getting easier to do at home. This product is trying to persuade people such as the unemployed, housewifes, pensioners and anyone that mainly stays at home most of the day. Dyson have clearly said their product are 'easy to use' and 'engineered to last' making the target audience feel more satisfied of what they're seeing. Category D to E are most likely to be appealed by this product.

2.) As you can see in this advert, the Audi R8 is revving the engine constantly to show the target audience that the new V10 sounds beastly and powerful. The target audience is aimed at people that are high paid in their occupation because this particular car model is part of the 'luxury' category in the car industry. The demographic audience that would be appealed by this product are A-B due to its expensive price range. This car is worth about 80-100k.

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