Tuesday 26 May 2015

Advertising Standards Authority

Advertising Standards Authority

Task 6

1.) ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) is the UK's self-governing regulator of advertising covering all media. The ASA apply the Advertising Codes, that are written by the Committees of Advertising Practice. Their purpose is to act on complaints and to make sure the adverts that are on television are on a high standard, making sure there are no inappropriate adverts. They tackle down harmful, misleading or offensive adverts.

2.) The steps to complain about a TV advert that has affected you in any way is to first check if the complaint you're about to file, has already been covered. If by any chance the same complaint has been covered, you should then complete their online complaint forms they have on their website. You can also write or telephone them, notifying them about the potential inappropriate advert. Secondly, once you have filled out the forms, they will give you a reference number that will be carried up later with the person you will have to contact. Lastly, ASA will NOT expose your name or personal details to the advertisers.

3.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzcRSr6PW_o - Controversial Advert 

4.) The following advert 'The F Word: Famine is the Real Obscenity' shows a collection of celebrities saying the word 'Famine'. Furthermore, throughout the video the celebrities look like they're saying the obscene 'F' word towards the camera. However, when they're about to say the word, their mouths are blanked and their mouths go on mute. At the end of the video, one of the celebrities say "Lets put a f......... end to famine." The whole idea of the advert is to get people to help focus the world's attention on the famine and food crisis in the Horn of Africa.

5.) Why has this advert been banned? The reason why this particular advert has been removed is because the message they're trying to send is very misleading towards the audience. Previously I stated that one of the celebrities says "Let's put a f......... end to famine". This clearly shows that the advertisers intentionally input that obscene word, even though they ironically blanked the word out. The audience watching this could have been young children, making this even more of a reason to be banned. Last but not least, the body language. Throughout the advert, their body language seems to be aggressive and intimidating. This could make the audience feel threaten or scared of the approach they have portrayed throughout the video. It feels like the advert were trying to make the audience participate in the social awareness by force. This advert has not been professionally thought out, therefore they have breached the political advertising rules.

6.) The regulators were absolutely right to banned this advert. Clearly the message in this advert was very misleading towards the audience. Also, not only it was misleading, but very offensive to many people that viewed the advert. The advertisers that produced this advert didn't think of the young children that could have been watching this, this was very inconsiderate of them. The regulators aim is to take down "Misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements" and this advert obviously contained two of the main problems. 

  • The message that was sent towards the audience was very offensive and misleading. 
  • The advertisers were inconsiderate of the other age group that could be watching.
  • Aggressive and intimidating vibe throughout the video.
  • Felt like the advert was too forced.
Personal Opinion - This advert was not appropriate for anyone watching, making this advert a fail. Using the celebrity endorsement technique was very clever, however they used them in all the wrong reasons. I believe this campaign advert could have been a huge success if they didn't use the misleading and offensive approach. 

Advertising techniques

Task 2

Advert 1 - Anecdote

As you can see, the women who were in this advert were saying how L'Oreal Fibrology has changed their hair and their day to day life. This is very clever for L'Oreal to use this technique because it hits the personal spot for the specific target audience. The target audience were aimed towards teenagers and the elderly. Having a target audience is key to having a successful advert.

Advert 2 - Repetition

Another persuasive technique TV Advertisement use is repetition. Using repetition causes the target audience to find the advert irritating and annoying. However not all is bad, using repetition in an advert can get the message across to the target audience in an annoying way. This will make them get that advert drilled in their head the whole day, even a lifetime. Here's an example in the link below me.

Repetition is used throughout the advert to a point where you're singing the line yourself. However, this is another clever technique because when there is a point where you need to save car insurance, the first thing that will pop in your head is the advert that was most annoying.

Advert 3 - Facts

Using facts in an advert is very effective to use towards the target audience because it attracts the viewers using a proven statement. More people will buy the product when the facts are proven because it gives them the satisfaction they've been looking for.

Comparing SR Gibbs & Colgate Modern Ad

Task 3:
SR Gibbs is the first toothpaste advert to come out on television where it shows a toothbrush in the middle of the camera shot and the actual toothpaste being placed on top of the toothbrush. The colours shown in the SR Gibbs is completely black and white, almost a plain advert to watch. There is no special effects in the SR Gibbs, only imagination is needed.  

SR Gibbs advert has a more direct and plain approach about the toothpaste. However, in contrast to the modern day toothbrush advert (Colgate) has a more dancing vibe to it. The colours comparing to Colgate is more vibrant and appealing to watch. This is because the Colgate advert shows a bright red colour and according to facts that the colour red is the most eye catching colour.

The SR Gibbs and Colgate advert have a similar kind of way of advertising their product. They both use factual information that would convince the audience to buy the product. Colgate has the same black and white effect but uses the pleasantville effect. Very clever technique from both when advertising products especially toothpaste because it is one of the important part of your day.

Overall, the SR Gibbs and Colgate advert are not all the same but share some similarities such as the colours, facts and of course, the clean white shine after brushing your teeth with their toothpaste. 

Lines of appeal

TASK 4: Analyse three different TV adverts and state which persuasive skills and lines of appeal have been used:

Task 4 - Lines of Appeal

Gillian Dyer stated (Advertising as Communication, Routledge 1988) that advertisers use among other techniques, the following lines of appeal. They include images, or add anything that relates to our desires and fears. These are;

  • Pleasant and Cheerful Families
  • Wealthy Extravagant Lifestyles
  • Dreams and Fantasy
  • Successful romance and Love
  • Elite people or experts
  • Enchanting Places
  • Prosperous Careers
  • Art, Culture and History
  • Nature and the Natural World
  • Gorgeous Women
  • Self Importance and Pride
  • Comedy and Humour
  • Childhood
When you watch advertisements, you will see they will use one of the listed techniques above. Advertisements uses those techniques to attract you to buy their product, they try their hardest to make you spend your money that you earned. 

Advert 1
  • Product Name: Cadbury Gorilla
  • Persuasive Technique: Comedy and Humour
  • Product USP: Cadbury's Chocolate is one of the best selling chocolate companies around and they try their hardest to promote their product. The Cadbury's Chocolate Gorilla advert uses a fake gorilla costume to play the drums. By doing this, this will make the audience tickle their ribs and chuckle on the stupidity that's happening in the advert. I feel this advert can be branded as a joyful and persuasive advert, as it contains advertising techniques which can categorize the advert in both types. The advert can be categorized as a joyful advertisement because it contains humour and a "feel good factor" feeling that creates a engagement reaction with the audience. The audience become amused and entertained by the advert, which helps portray the message better, as the audience don't feel forced or bombarded by messages/products/services.
Advert 2
  • Product Name: Samsung S III
  • Persuasive Technique: Facts
  • Product USP:  An advert using product demonstration as a technique to sell the product, was "The Next Big Thing Is Already Here" TV advert for the Samsung Galaxy S III. The advert showed a line of excited Apple iPhone users waiting in line for the newest version. They discuss various menial differences between past and new versions of the phones, desperately hopeful that the features of the latest edition will be worth the wait. As they discuss the new features, e.g. the headphone connector being at the bottom rather than the top of the device, we become increasingly aware that there is a pathetic irony to their excitement over such subtle changes to the phone. Then begins the Samsung product demonstration, as a young man saving someone else's place in the queue starts to use a Samsung Galaxy S III. The advert goes on to show off the Samsung's new features, such as the ability to share music simply by touching phones. iPhone fans in the queue become increasingly impressed by the Samsung phone, and the ad concludes by assuring us that "The next big thing is already here". 

Advert 3
  • Product Name: L'Oreal
  • Persuasive Technique: Statistics
  • Product USP: L'Oreal advertise hair/beauty/skin products using such techniques. One technique that is used in skin adverts are statistics. Statistics is a very clever way of persuading the audience that the product they are advertising is recommended by other people that's used L'Oreal in the past and has had great experience from it. This allows the audience to consider buying the product because of the high statistics that is shown in the advert. In this advert, it says '71% of 123 women agree' this has great impact on the audience because of the high amount of past users. 


Task 5

Demographic Advertising - Dividing consumers into groups based on age, sex, income, education, occupation, household size, marital status, home ownership or other factors.
  • Watch a series of adverts and identify as accurately as possible the target audience for each, provide a link and give explanations to back up your conclusions about why the adverts appeals to the specific demographics.
Audience Demographic
  • A - Lawyers, Doctors, Scientists, Managers of large-scale organisations - well paid professionals
  • B - Teachers, senior managers, some middle management  - fairly well paid professionals (and very poorly paid teachers)
  • C1 - 'White Collar' , junior management, bank clerks, nurses
  • C2 - Skilled 'blue collar' workers such as electricians, plumbers, carpenters 
  • D - Semi and unskilled manual workers such as drivers and post sorters
  • E - Students, the unemployed, pensioners 

1.) Dyson DC25 Floor Vacuum Cleaner is showing the target audience that cleaning is gradually getting easier to do at home. This product is trying to persuade people such as the unemployed, housewifes, pensioners and anyone that mainly stays at home most of the day. Dyson have clearly said their product are 'easy to use' and 'engineered to last' making the target audience feel more satisfied of what they're seeing. Category D to E are most likely to be appealed by this product.

2.) As you can see in this advert, the Audi R8 is revving the engine constantly to show the target audience that the new V10 sounds beastly and powerful. The target audience is aimed at people that are high paid in their occupation because this particular car model is part of the 'luxury' category in the car industry. The demographic audience that would be appealed by this product are A-B due to its expensive price range. This car is worth about 80-100k.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Favourite Animation Film

Finding Nemo

Task: Critically evaluate your favourite animation film:

Finding Nemo is a classic film that has brought me laughter and joy throughout my childhood years. Finding Nemo has two stories in it. The larger story is the title's namesake "Finding Nemo" and can be found as story form. In that story Marlin, Nemo's father, is the main character, with Dory (and a bit of Nemo) as the influence characters. The smaller story takes place in the Dentist's aquarium. In that sub-story, Nemo is the main character and Gill is the influence character.  

- TV Advertising

Task 1:

TV Advertising

What is advertisement? - Advertising is a clever way to attract a specific audience. Advertisement has a variety of ways to get the message across to the target audience, for example; Billboards, Magazines, Television, Direct Mail, Signage, Internet, Sponsorships, Radio, Product Placement, and other media outlets. However, TV Advertisement is the most effective way to promote the companies products. This is because majority of people own a TV in their household. TV Advertisement often have an anecdote in their adverts, making the audience pay attention more and to keep them drawn to the product. Now here's an example of what I'm talking about in this link below me.

Save an Orphan - Statistics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPTFxFh6Q1E

Tresemee Platinum  Strength - Facts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgXicCbvBts

Cadbury Gorilla - Comedy and Humour - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnzFRV1LwIo