Wednesday 10 June 2015

TV Advert - Nike Air Jordan

Nike Advert Evaluation

Our Idea

For our group, me, Louis, Fatima and Daniel came up with an idea to film a shoe advert. We agreed to make this advert because we thought it would be humorous and engaging for the audience. Our initial idea was to make the main actor (Me) playing basketball in the sports hall, shooting hoops but failing every time. We also had the idea where I meet a stranger with 'magical' sneakers (Daniel) that manages to persuade me to wear a pair of Air Jordan's. Our last idea was to get a female spectator to watch me play basketball and then fall in love, whilst wearing the pair of Air Jordan's.

Why This Idea?

We decided to make this advert because we wanted to send out a clever and manipulative message to the audience about the product. The message we sent out is that wearing these pair of trainers can make you feel lighter and to have that 'glide' feeling. Also, we wanted to show the audience that by purchasing these sneakers, it could improve your performance in sports. Having this type of idea is perfect when producing an advert like Air Jordan's because it makes the audience feel more reassured and satisfied.

Shot Compositions

The type of camera angles we used in our advert were long, medium, and close up shots. We used a tracking shot to panel me running up to the hoop to keep the audience's attention. When Daniel was in the corridor where I was taking a break to drink, the angle slowly closed in from a medium range shot to capture the shoes that Daniel was wearing. We also used a close up on the sneakers and the logo to represent the product. Finally, the shot cuts again to a slow motion angle when I shoot the ball in the hoop. This ends with me finally getting the ball through the hoop with a low angle shot of the basketball dropping down from the hoop.

Air Jordan XX9 'Get Up'  -

At the start of the advert, you can see a baby girl reaching her hand in the air and the song 'Do Your Stuff' by Perk Badger playing in the background. This is trying to show that the advert is already trying to represent a sports type of genre such as basketball. Also, you can see close up shots on the shoes they're trying to promote. We got ideas from that and agreed to film it similar to this advert. Furthermore, in the ending of this advert, you can see the male leaping towards the hoop in slow motion. This also inspired us to film something similar to that. Lastly, the ending ends with the products name and brand. We wanted to do something like that as well because we thought the audience would be more interested in buying due to the large logo and that 'right in your face' font.

Strengths & Weaknesses

During this project, we had great communication and creative skills. This allowed us to plan our idea to the fullest extend. Also, the strengths I had whilst making this advert were having great communication skills, which helped me out a lot. This made the planning and the editing quicker than I planned. Also, my organizational skills helped a lot when I was our shoe advert because it didn't cause any delay or any interfering. Furthermore, my past experience in filming and editing assisted me greatly, allowing me to adapt to the environment of this project quicker.

However, there were a few weaknesses. Due to some people not attending, it made it harder for us to film the advert. We had to wait couple of days to carry on filming which made it more difficult to get to the editing part. However, the actors did come in and we managed to complete the filming then start editing. Another weakness we had was the audio. The audio wasn't very clear when me and Daniel was speaking. You could hear us speaking but just about which could have been improved. Last but not least, the cameras we used to film was shaking when Louis was filming me in the sports hall. I believe our advert could have been better if these little mistakes were avoided, but in my opinion I still think our advert was a success for our first time.

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