Tuesday 9 June 2015

Intro To Editing - 16.1.1

Intro To Editing

  • Editing is the process of selective shots put together to create a good narrative. Cutting out the unnecessary footage and then putting together the important clips.
  • Elliptical editing is when you don't see the entire footage, only cuts to the action, allowing to fill in the gaps. For example, when someone gets shot in a film, you will see them in the next clip in a hospital waking up.
  • Non-diagetic sound is when you use additional sounds in the background where only the viewer can hear, not the actors. For example, a woman finds her husbands clothes with blood on the floor
  • Long shots is when you show the atmosphere around the person to view a wide perspective of the picture.
  • When the camera shows the actor bending over to pick up something, however not showing the part where they actually bend down, only showing the arms in the footage.

  • Shot reverse-shot is when a two people start talking to each other and the camera shots switch every time they start speaking.
  • Eye-line matching is to show the audience what they will want to see what the character on screen is seeing. 
  • We cut to other members of the group because we can see the characters facial expressions and to make it seem more interesting for the audience.
  • A wipe is a digital effect which one goes across the screen and the other behind the screen. 
  • Using quick cuts is to create excitement, fast rhythm and suspense 

Key Words

  • Jump cut is when footage of a film is cut and skipped to the parts where its more interesting to watch. For example, an interview is taken place and the footage is skipped to the important information or skipped to facial expressions.
  • Flash back is used in films where they recap what happened in the past then immediately going back to the present, showing us what happened before the present situation.
  • Flash forward shows the future situation then goes back to the present stage.

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