Tuesday 19 April 2016

Evaluation - Final Images

Evaluation - Architecture

My Idea
Initially, my first idea was to take some photos of famous landmarks in London. The landmarks I was planning on visiting included the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Marble Arch. However, during the time I was still deciding on my final images, I happened to walk by my local church. I stopped to admire the well structured building that has been around for centuries, allowing me to gather an official idea for this project. In the end, I decided to stick with this idea because I thought it was unique and interesting.

Planning my locations
To start things off, I had to equip a professional Canon camera with an SD card, spare battery and extra lens to help me take good quality images. After collecting my equipment, I used the trustworthy Google Maps to help me find the nearest churches around my vicinity. Having found all my designated locations, I set off to my first location which was right out City of Westminster College. My second location was in Marylebone, named the Christ Church of England. Second to last location was at the Central London Church on Edgeware Road. Last but not least my final location was in the Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Appearance of the Churches
Every church I visited, I noticed the texture of the buildings were very old and crumbly. The texture of the churches were very similar to each other due to their traditional curves and colour. Some of them did also share the same old brown and dull colours, however one was pure white and sparkly. I also noticed that the buildings were very much the same height as each church I stumbled across. What I did see on every church I visited was that each one of them had sharp edges, with long and pointy finish on the top, similar shape as a triangle. Lastly, all the churches had at least a bell or big old rusty clock installed, with a few signs saying "Welcome inside". A church wouldn't be a church unless these two traditional features are there.

Shot Compositions
Before I snapped shots of the churches, I had to think how and where to stand before I take the these images. I thought about taking a low angle shot to capture the road and the whole building. However when I tried taking that kind of shot, I wasn't able to fit in the church since it was very big building. I then decided to take a mid range shot whilst standing far back as I could get to snap the building, and parts of the road. Furthermore, I then decided to take a picture of the churches at a side profile at a mid range angle, allowing more background to the image. Lastly. I decided to get even more creative by taking a picture of the church whilst the natural sunlight is beaming onto my camera. This created a nice shine effect, making the image looked edited. Here are some of the pictures I took;

Strengths & Weaknesses
One of my key strengths during this project was being able to gather appropriate equipment without having to look aimlessly for one. My other strong factor during this project was me being able to successfully find the locations I planned without any problems or stress. This allowed my project to run smoothly as planned. However, I did unfortunately encounter a few weaknesses.

My first problem started with my camera being unresponsive, creating and wasting unnecessary time and stress. I then encountered another problem which occurred around the same time when my camera was being unresponsive. and that was my SD Card. It kept saying the words 'No SD found' when there was an SD Card inside the camera, making me panic knowing my the shots I've taken have been potentially wiped. After all the problems I've faced, I managed to figure out how to overcome these problems by staying calm and relaxed. I thought of every alternative I had, in case my SD card have had wiped everything.

When I first started this project, I learnt that being able to stay calm at pressured times really helps everything when things start to take a turn for the worst. Having already obtaining that key skill, it has allowed me to happily finish off my project. I also learnt a few camera shots throughout this project e.g. the image where I took of the sunlight coming in the lens of the camera. Lastly, this assignment has broaden my knowledge about architecture whereas before I didn't as much previously.

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