Thursday 30 June 2016

Installation Narsties

Installation Narsties 

The Museum of Modern Art currently holds a large scale of the Scottish Artist Douglas Gordon. Douglas Gordon is an Artist that was born in September 20th 1966, and grew up in Glasgow, Dumbarton. One of Gordon's famous video installations is called 'Play Dead; Real Time'. This video has two large elephants rolling and side walking on the floors New York of Gagosian Gallery. The circus elephant was brought to New York exclusively for Gordon's project, and by doing what he did, he turned into an art that took the viewers to a different world.

Sonia Falcone

Sonia Falcone is a Bolivian painter and artist that was born in March 27th, 1965 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The video installation you see in the picture above is about dark and light projecting onto the blocks which becomes bright and colour. This video is meant to make the audience feel like they're in a happy environment with a beautiful atmosphere. The different types of colours made the audience decide what kind of mood they were in. For example, there's a part of the video where the blocks turn completely red that keeps spiralling around the blocks. This must represent anger or stress. However, there were some parts of the video where the blocks would be very colour and bright which meant happy and joyful.

Bill Viola - Acceptance

Bill Viola is contemporary video artist that was born in 1951. Viola's videos consists of technology, sound and electronic which by looking at this picture above, you can see that the person is screaming to hear her pain. Judging by this video, the woman seems to be in distress and is trying to adapt with her surrounding. Before I made a complete judgement, I had to watch this video multiple of times to actually understand what the video is trying to say to us. The video's title is called 'Acceptance' so by taking that from the title, this video is showing us that no matter how stressed and upset the woman is, she trying to be accepted. Near the ending, you see the woman getting a sense of relief and realisation when her milestone was reached.