Tuesday 2 February 2016

Graffiti Lighting

Graffiti Lighting 

Light Graffiti is a clever and interesting technique in photography. In order to execute the perfect light graffiti shot, you will need a light source e.g a torch, sparkler, or a fire. For this project, we used a Canon camera and a tripod to set up a few positions. Firstly, you will need to set your camera to manual mode to allow your camera to get the best out of the shutter speed. Unlike the Shutter Priority, the camera will wait 30 seconds until the picture will be taken. 

If you're creating a deep picture, then you are going to need to have a narrow aperture, which allows the camera to restrict a few amount of light coming in. This will result in longer exposures and a high ISO.

Settings on camera:

Mode - Bulb

ISO - 100

Shutter Speed - 30secs
